2021 Bargaining Report #8



Bargaining Report 8

February 9, 2021


Bargaining remains stalled due to the company’s insistence that the Union accept their extremely retrogressive proposals – particularly those that relate to Job Security. Tonight your bargaining committee had a lengthy discussion and provided additional updates to the CWA District 6 Vice President, Claude Cummings, Jr.  Vice President Cummings contacted the company’s chief negotiator Bill Stubbs to clearly explain the Union’s position relative to the company’s egregious proposals.  At the conclusion of their discussion Mr. Stubbs advised Vice President Cummings that as of midnight tonight, February 9, 2021, the Union would be working without a contract. This being the case, employees are to report to work as scheduled until notified otherwise.

Future bargaining reports as developments warrant.   Please contact your local leadership regarding mobilization actions.

In Solidarity,

Your CWA Bargaining Committee